Chapter One :Chapter 1



Can love be possible


  John Smith is a young multibillionaire from England, born into one of the richest families in England but made his own money without help from his parents. Unfortunately, he was dumped by his fiancee for his brother on his wedding day. Why she did that, nobody knows. It's sure as hell she had it planned all along, waiting for the perfect time.

  After the incident, he lost all interest in girls and put all his focus and attention on his company, making it a reowned company. However his friends may try to cheer him up when it concerns the female gender, he is always unfazed. It was like throwing brick against a wall or throwing stone in a river. Their efforts are always in vain because his heart has not been healed, instead it feels like it's being shattered into pieces. Each piece broken into pieces. There was no way he is going to be vulnerable or be at his weak moment again. Love is not going to cloud his senses again, that he'll make sure of.

  It seems fate is not through with him yet. One night after a very stressful day at work, he was woken up by his doorbell. On opening the door, he met a young girl of about seven, fair skinned and a little too skinny for her age, her Auburn hair making her face round, carrying a toddler close to a year in her arms and stared at him with wide eye on this front porch.

  Gently, a smile walked it's way up to her lips when she saw the young man standing in front her.

  To John, he wondered ‘who is this girl smiling brightly at me. Her smile showed her cute dimples and illuminated her face under the moonlight.

  "Hello Handsome" the girl said " mum said you're my father"

  "What?!!! Mum?!" he screamed in shock

  "Yes, Selena said you are my father and I ran away from her carrying my baby sister since she is also your daughter, now please let us come in, we have had a long and stressful day looking for you."

  He looked down in shock at the sharp witted young girl standing in front of him. "Okay come in" he said after recovering from his shock " Tell me more about your story and you can stay with me for the main time still I find your parents" She huffed and walked inside.

  "By the way" she paused and looked at him pitifully, shaking her head slightly. "You have a very ba........d taste in women"

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